Intuition Smart Class

Intuition Smart Class is a solution designed to help teachers and developing student's ability and performance. It helps the teacher to access animated content and information which is used for teaching students more effectively. Armed with the animated contents the teachers can explain the subjects and ensure that every student understands and learns. The well designed animated subject modules allow a student to visualize the concept much better than static images.

Intuition Smartclass
Intuition E-education with Android

App Based Intuition Smart Class

We at Intuition have made a significant development in making our E-learning Software compatible to Android Device like Android Tab and Smart Phones. So our Smart Class content can be accessed anywhere at any time on an android device. Through this we have brought about a sea change in the sphere of learning. The student can access the subjects and relevant chapters related to his/her class on his/her android device.

Intuition Smart Class with Windows

Windows is by far the most popular Operating System throughout the world. The Smart Class content for windows device will have some special features like interactive practice session, chapter wise assessment and Chapter wise Mind Map. For reference purpose we are providing e-books, images and videos in streaming mode.

Intuition E-education with Windows
Online vc class

Online interactive Smart Class

  • We provide digital live real time interactive smart class through video conferencing with zero tolerance i.e. no jerk.
  • We have the technology to cater up to 250 locations from a single point.
  • Our Technology is totally software based having high reliability.

One to one interactivity

Our tutorial platform provides one to one interactivity where the teacher and student intract with each other on real time basis without any hindrance.

About Image

"Effective learning"

Intuition brings in the very best in modern digitalized learning technology, for every age and every level of student. Designed to provide optimum support to students and instructors, fully customized to meet their every demand and need.

Intuition focuses on creating and absorbing a well-evolved educational environment that visualizes an overall cerebral, emotional and intellectual development of the student, which makes learning an effortless and exciting process of self-development and assimilation.

It prepares the student by way of an engaging scientific methodology and builds up his confidence and ability to get into the depth of a subject with ease and poise.

About 125 top scholars and teachers collaborated with India’s leading animation and graphics artists, for a time-span of over three years to develop the unique Intuition learning system and methodology of articulating fundamental as well as apparently difficult and abstract concepts lucidly and fluidly, actively supported by advanced animation and graphics designers.

Online vc class
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